Report: "The Role Of Youth Information Services In Social Inclusion Of Young People In Neet"

Report: "The Role Of Youth Information Services In Social Inclusion Of Young People In Neet"

Erasmus + Hits: 6451

The report about the EU’s experience of NEET

, the specifics about Macedonia and Croatia represents the data collected through a process of comprehensive work and research about the condition of NEET youth group on EU level as well as the real conditions in Macedonia and Croatia ( the region of Rijeka). The report is a key result within the project  “Youth information centers fit to NEET” cofinanced by Erasmus+ programme of the EU, Key Action 2: Cooperation of Inovations and Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships in Youth Field of work, Strategic Partnership about Innovations Support.

The project is implemented by  Coalition of youth organizations SEGA (Macedonia), Udruga - Regional info center for youth Rijeka - UMKI (Croatia) and the Association - education via Internet (Poland).

The report provides useful information on the following aspects of the status of NEET Youth  Group:

- NEET statistics at EU , Macedonia and Croatia level;

- Data on education and youth employment and the specificities of NEET Group in this regard;

- Analysis of government policies for NEET group, as well as on existing measures to address the needs related to education, training and youth employment in NEET group;

- Presentation and analysis of the importance of informing young people, as well as different models for establishing youth information services at national and local level;

- Data and findings from the conducted field survey of 600 young people who are part of NEET group in Macedonia and in Croatia (the region of Rijeka);

The Youth Group in NEET in both countries face a lack of specific government measures that will meet their training, education and employment needs. There are some existing measures that need to be further adapted to the needs of this group. Youth organizations in both countries could take a proactive approach to government institutions, develop and adapt various youth information models such as websites, portals, youth cards, youth fairs, etc. who would serve the youth in the situation of NEET. Special attention should be paid to women in  NEET  and the measures should be adapted to them in order to motivate this group to actively seek employment and education. Field data for this group can not be generalized to all young people from NEET group in both countries. Additional research will be required to define the different approaches to this group in different regions of the countries. Firstly, the project may focus on the development of online tools to allow young people from NEET group to access information such as websites, mobile applications, etc. Another opportunity that is recommended and required by the youth in NEET group in both countries are activities for networking and sharing with peers, but also with representatives of the employment services, the business sector and government institutions.

On the following link you can read the manual created under this project : "The role of youth information services in the social inclusion of young people in NEET ".
