SEGA  started with the Implementation of the Project "if Stories could Walk, if Cities could talk"

SEGA started with the Implementation of the Project "if Stories could Walk, if Cities could talk"

Youth Information Посети: 3785

Coalition of youth organizations SEGA in partnership with the organizations "Our Children" from Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

and "Tačka Komunikje" from Pancevo, Serbia started to implement the project "If stories could walk, If cities could talk" supported by the Western Foundation Balkan Fund. The goal of the project is to improve the connectivity and cooperation in the region and the youth through new tools for mapping, researching and presenting local and regional heritage. Namely, the project activities stipulate that fifteen young people from the three cities will be directly involved in creating sound maps for the cultural heritage of the cities of Prilep, Pancevo and Zenica.

Specific objectives of the project:

The project includes a series of activities, trainings for young people, radio collages that will be broadcast directly in the program of the radio "Active", "Apparatus" and the online radio "Puls".

The final result of the project is to create a web platform through which people from the region will have online access to sound maps that will be guides throughout history, contemporary culture, institutional and social heritage in the region.
