A Workshop on Developing a Communication Strategy was Held
In the period from 03 to 04 July 2020, in Hotel Biser - Struga
a Workshop for developing a communication strategy was held within the project "Strengthening the transparency and accountability of the Coalition of Youth Organizations SEGA", which was attended by representatives of member organizations of Coalition SEGA.
The working sessions were focused on internal communication in the Coalition, external communication with target groups, communication strategy, as well as a draft version of a detailed action plan for the implementation of the Strategy.
Coalition of Youth Organizations SEGA in the period March 1 - November 30, 2020 implements the project "Strengthening the transparency and accountability of the Coalition of Youth Organizations SEGA". The project is funded by the EU, through the project "Self-Regulation of Civil Society Organizations" 19 11 DFG 301 which is part of the program for small grants "Sustainable Civil Society: State Funding for Civil Society Organizations" implemented by the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC), The Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN) and the Center for Information, Cooperation and Development of Civil Society Organizations from Slovenia (CNVOS).