Conference in Rijeka, Croatia "Multi-sectoral approach to youth in NEET situation"

Conference in Rijeka, Croatia "Multi-sectoral approach to youth in NEET situation"

Erasmus + Посети: 6931

On 10 and 11 of December, in the City hall in Rijeka, Croatia was held the Final multiplier event Conference "Multi-sectoral approach to youth in Neet situation and solutions for practical protocols in working with NEET youth" from the project YIC fit to NEET. The event was organized by Reginal Youth Information center UMKI in Rijeka, Croatia. 

On the conference were present participants from local institutions from Rijeka, representatives from Youth information centers and multipliers from Macedonia and Poland in order to share the results of the project.

On the official opening on the conference the Director of UMKI, Mr. Zoran Stefanovic had a speech about the project Youth Information centers fit to NEET, the activities and also the results of the project.

 The project is funded and supported by the National Agency for Educational Programs and Mobility in the Republic of Macedonia through the Erasmus + program and is implemented in the period from 1 July 2017 to 31 December 2018. YIC fit to NEET is implemented by Coalition SEGA in partnership with UMKI, Croatia and EPI from Poland.
