Прва Мрежа на Младински Организации во Македонија!


+389 (0) 48 429 390

Работни Часови

Понеделник - Петок:          09:00 - 16:30


Coalition SEGA Contributes to Safer and more Protected Institutions and Citizens in Prilep During a Pandemic

Coalition SEGA Contributes to Safer and more Protected Institutions and Citizens in Prilep During a Pandemic

In order to support the educational institutions and the citizens in Prilep, Coalition SEGA provided funds for disinfection and personal hygiene in accordance with the needs and recommendations of the World Health

NECI NMK: Debate on the Topic "Combined Teaching"

NECI NMK: Debate on the Topic "Combined Teaching"

After the successfully organized workshop on "Youth and European values" on Thursday, September 10, 2020 NECI NMK held a debate

Interkultura - Skopje: Discussion on the Topic Myths about the EU

Interkultura - Skopje: Discussion on the Topic Myths about the EU

Interkultura - Skopje on September 5, 2020, in ATC Premium Club - Skopje held a panel discussion

Foundation Fokus - Veles: Debate on the Topic Youth and Civic Activism in Veles

Foundation Fokus - Veles: Debate on the Topic Youth and Civic Activism in Veles

On September 10, 2020, Focus Foundation from Veles in the school yard of the "Kocho Racin High School" held a debate

Women's Organization of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole: Coffee Meeting on the Topic Gender Equality

Women's Organization of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole: Coffee Meeting on the Topic Gender Equality

On September 3, 2020, girls from Sveti Nikole had a coffee meeting

Прва национална платформа на младински организации во Македонија, со повеќе од 20 години искуство во лобирање за потребните законски измени во младинското учество, информираност, вработување и активизам.


Централна Канцеларија: +389 (0) 48 429 390


18, Цар Самоил, 7500 Прилеп, Македонија.