Прва Мрежа на Младински Организации во Македонија!


+389 (0) 48 429 390

Работни Часови

Понеделник - Петок:          09:00 - 16:30


In Tetovo the Fourth Volunteer Action Was Held

In Tetovo the Fourth Volunteer Action Was Held

On 30.09.2019 courtyard of the Secondary School "Mosha Pijade" in Tetovo was held a volunteer action by the Community Development Institute. The action took place as part of the campaign VolontirajInspiriraj! implemented by Coalition SEGA nationally together with its five local partner organizations.

In Shtip Was Held Third the Eco Action of Campaign

In Shtip Was Held Third the Eco Action of Campaign

On 27.09.2019 courtyard of the Primary School "Dimitar Vlahov" in Shtip was held a eco volunteer action by the Youth Club Shtip. The action took place as part of the campaign VolontirajInspiriraj! implemented by Coalition SEGA nationally together with its five local partner organizations.

Second Volunteer Action Was Held in Prilep

Second Volunteer Action Was Held in Prilep

On 26.09.2019 courtyard of the Primary School "Goce Delchev" in Prilep was held a volunteer action by Youth Council Prilep. The action took place as part of the campaign VolontirajInspiriraj! implemented by Coalition SEGA nationally together with its five local partner organizations.

Запознајте се со Интерактив од Битола

Запознајте се со Интерактив од Битола

Интерактив Битола е исто така една од најмладите членки на Коалиција СЕГА, од минатата година е наша придружна членка.  #ВолонтирајИнспирирај #15годиниСЕГА

Strategic Planning In The Premises Of The Coalition SEGA

Strategic Planning In The Premises Of The Coalition SEGA

Planning was held with the youth worker Arno Servant from France in the premises of the Coalition SEGA from 16 to 20 September.

Прва национална платформа на младински организации во Македонија, со повеќе од 20 години искуство во лобирање за потребните законски измени во младинското учество, информираност, вработување и активизам.


Централна Канцеларија: +389 (0) 48 429 390


18, Цар Самоил, 7500 Прилеп, Македонија.