Прва Мрежа на Младински Организации во Македонија!


+389 (0) 48 429 390

Работни Часови

Понеделник - Петок:          09:00 - 16:30


The Capacities of the Children’s Ombudsmen,Their Deputies and The Presidents of Classes Were Increased Through Training

The Capacities of the Children’s Ombudsmen,Their Deputies and The Presidents of Classes Were Increased Through Training

In order to strengthen the capacities of the children's ombudsmen and their deputies in the period from 26 - 28 October, a process of strengthening their capacities was carried out.

Representatives of Youth and Civil Organizations Participate in a Training for Application of the Method of Structured Dialogue

Representatives of Youth and Civil Organizations Participate in a Training for Application of the Method of Structured Dialogue

In the period from 05 - 07 October 2018, in the hotel Ambient in Struga, was organized a training for Structured dialogue and preparation of position papers.

Workshop for Preparation of Annual Program of MIRR

Workshop for Preparation of Annual Program of MIRR

On 14 – 15 September, 2018 in Hotel Ambient, Struga Coalition SEGA held a Workshop for preparation of an annual program for the organization Youth Initiative for Regional Development - MIRR.

Follow-up Activities from Summer Camp 2018 in the Children's Village Pestalozzi - Trogen, Switzerland

Follow-up Activities from Summer Camp 2018 in the Children's Village Pestalozzi - Trogen, Switzerland

On the 18 September, 2018 (Tuesday) in Prilep, the last two of the planned four workshops were held on the follow-up activities of the participants of the Summer Camp 2018 in the Children's Village Pestalozzi, in Trogen-Switzerland.

 Second donor meeting of the National Committee for the Prevention of Violent Extremism

Second donor meeting of the National Committee for the Prevention of Violent Extremism

In the premises of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia

Прва национална платформа на младински организации во Македонија, со повеќе од 20 години искуство во лобирање за потребните законски измени во младинското учество, информираност, вработување и активизам.


Централна Канцеларија: +389 (0) 48 429 390


18, Цар Самоил, 7500 Прилеп, Македонија.