Прва Мрежа на Младински Организации во Македонија!


+389 (0) 48 429 390

Работни Часови

Понеделник - Петок:          09:00 - 16:30


DIGY Training & Transnational Meeting

DIGY Training & Transnational Meeting

From the period of 21st till 24th of September s transnational training and meeting was held in Struga, Macedonia as part of the DIGY project.

Training: Career Guidance and Counseling for Working with NEET

Training: Career Guidance and Counseling for Working with NEET

In the period 17 to 19 September, a three-day training for Career guidance and counseling for work and coverage of young people at risk

Advocacy and Lobbying Training

Advocacy and Lobbying Training

A two-day advocacy and lobbying training was held on 9 and 10 September at the premises of Coalition SEGA

Local Discussion: EU Values & Euroscepticism

Local Discussion: EU Values & Euroscepticism

A workshop with local youth within the ACHIEVE project was held on September 15 at the premises of Coalition SEGA.

Presentation of the Position Paper of the Young People Needs

Presentation of the Position Paper of the Young People Needs

On 6 of September in the premises of Coalition SEGA an event was held for a presentation of a Position Paper

Прва национална платформа на младински организации во Македонија, со повеќе од 20 години искуство во лобирање за потребните законски измени во младинското учество, информираност, вработување и активизам.


Централна Канцеларија: +389 (0) 48 429 390


18, Цар Самоил, 7500 Прилеп, Македонија.