Enhancing employability skills of vulnerable groups in Prilep
Name of the recipient institution: Coalition of youth organizations SEGA
Implementation period: 01-03-2020 - 30-09-2020
Project purpose: Employability competences of vulnerable youth groups with focus on Roma population enhanced
According to the State Statistical Office most recent data based on Population assessment, 13’356 aged 15 – 29 live in Prilep which is 18% of the total population. As in most cities in the country, the biggest problem that youth face is unemployment. Although Prilep has number of operative business entities, the quality of life and life standard is low. This, along with the low quality of education and poor economy as perceived by young people, are the main reasons for migration in other cities and out of the country.
According to the Agency for employment of Republic of North Macedonia, 6810 people are unemployed out of which 1499 are young people aged 15 - 29 (22 %). Out of 1499 unemployed youth, 755 are women (50,37 %). In terms of ethnic background, out of 6810 unemployed, 1083 are Roma (almost 20 %). Out 1083 unemployed Roma, 561 are women (51,80 %).
The project is comprised of set of activities which strongly correlate with the proposed steps in the ACCEDER operating manual. Therefore, the activities reflect the phases within the Individual Employment Pathway:
Phase 1: Dissemination and outreach of participants
Phase 2: Information and reception/welcoming
Phase 3: Employability assessment (and outlining individual employment pathway)
Phase 4: Labour counselling
Phase 5: Training
Phase 6: Labour insertion and follow up
Trough the project activities we will achieve the following results:
- The ACCEDER Methodology is recognized by the vulnerable groups towards greater employment opportunities
- Knowledge and skills of young under-educated Roma people to successfully integrate in the labour market increased
- Employment opportunities for Roma youth through strategic partnerships with local private sector introduced
SEGA has extensive experience in the field of employment and employability enhancement through its programme activities.