Започнаа последователните активности за „Дигитално учество и активно граѓанство (DigiPAC)“ во Пелагонскиот регион - SEGA started the follow-up activities for (DigiPAC)
Индекс на артикл
Five organizations started piloting (DigiPAC) at the local level in 5 municipalities of the Pelagon region (Bitola, Novaci, Mogila, Resen and Prilep). During September, a series of workshops were held to encourage digital participation and active citizenship of young people, familiarizaring them with E-participation and practical use of OPIN tool (www.opin.me ).
More than 160 young people have so far learned about the ways of active citizenship, media literacy, correct behavior on the Internet "Netiquette", youth participation and digital youth participation.
Various projects and initiatives by young people have been set up on OPIN, which are the beginning of active and democratic participation of young people.
Coalition SEGA provided mentoring support in the implementation of subsequent activities at the local level.
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