Planning workshop within the project "Youth participation towards strong and sustainable community development"
Coalition SEGA has started the Workshop for planning and creating a detailed action plan for the project "Youth participation towards strong and sustainable community development".
The event is held at Hotel Akvalina in Ohrid, attended by representatives of the Coalition SEGA and representatives of the partner organizations SOS Children's Village, Volunteer Center Skopje and the Association Women's Forum from Tetovo.
At the first session of the event, the general project plan was presented, an overview of the activities so far and the expectations of the representatives.
In the period from March 24 to 26, 2021, the participants and the project team will work on creating a detailed action plan and preparation of activities, review of the project monitoring system, working procedures, communication, administrative and financial operations, etc.
You can view more on the following link.
The project "Youth Participation towards Strong and Sustainable Community Development" is supported by the European Union, IPA Civil Society Program and Media Program 2018-2019, and is implemented by the Coalition of Youth Organizations SEGA in partnership with SOS Children's Village, Volunteer Center Skopje and Association Women's Forum from Tetovo.