Successfully implemented resource package training for primary and secondary schools in Macedonia
In the period from 18th to 22nd June 2018
, in hotel Belgrade in Struga, a Training for the implementation of a Resource Package for student participation and protection of children's rights was organized. The resource package is intended for all schools, class communities, student organizations and principals in primary and secondary schools, as well as for the expert services, which should be the main bearers, supporters and promoters of the democratic participation of students in the school. It gives suggestion modules for workshops and trainings for working with teachers and students to realize the real student participation in the democratic life of the school with forms and methods to encourage and revive it in schools.
The training was attended by representatives of the school teams for implementation of the Resource Package from the primary schools, which from this year joined the project "Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Macedonia":
- OU Kuzman Josifovski - Pitu - Skopje
- OU Krste Misirkov - Skopje
- OOO Koco Racin - Prilep
- OU Kole Kaninski - Bitola
- OUU Kuzman Josifoski - Pitu - Kichevo
- OU Riste Risteski - Dolno Kosovrasti.
- SOU Gymnasium "Mirce Acev" - Prilep
- SOU "Kliment Ohridski" - Ohrid
- OSTU Gostivar - Gostivar
- SEPUGS Vasil Antevski Dren - Skopje
- SUGS Georgi Dimitrov - Skopje
- SOU "Jovche Teslichkov" - Veles
- SOUD "Dimitar Vlahov" - Strumica
- SOU"Jane Sandanski" - Stip
SEGA implemented the project "Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Macedonia" with the support of the Children's Foundation Pestalozzi and in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science and the Bureau for the Development of Education.