Training as Part of the Project "Recognize, Prevent and Apply Anti-Violence Measures"
In the period from 17.05 to 19.05, in the hotel Biser in Struga, was held а training on the topic “Recognition, management and prevention of violence in schools".
This training is part of the activities of the project "Recognize, Prevent and Apply Anti-Violence Measures" implemented by the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA funded by the Grant program for the project "Strategic Partnerships for Developing a Social Change Agenda: Recognizing, Recognizing and Ensuring Rights" funded by the EU, and implemented by the Association for Action Against Violence and Human Trafficking Open Gate - La Strada Macedonia. As the first activity of this project, а survey of 1,500 students in 15 secondary schools was conducted, followed by an interview with the school's expert services on how often they are experiencing violence in their schools.
This training was attended by 28 professors from 14 secondary schools at the level of Macedonia. The training was led by the trainer Anna Pop Rizova, who is a psychologist and psychotherapist by profession. Participants of the training worked in groups, interactive exercises on the topic of violence in schools, and discussion of examples of violence that they face in their schools. With the help of the survey and the training, a clear picture was obtained about the real situation in the schools today.