Three Representatives from Coalition SEGA at International Meeting within Project ACHIEVE held in Dalj, Croatia
In the period of 25-26.06.2019, three representatives from Coalition SEGA are part of the international meeting within the project: ACHIEVE - Awareness of Common History for Identifying and Extending the Values of Europe, held in Dalj, Croatia.
The meeting is attended by 27 representatives from the 9 partners from Europe, the aim of which is to get acquainted with the partners, present the project goals and plan the following activities.
The ACHIEVE project started with implementation from 01.06.2019 and will last until 31.05.2021. The goal of the project is to raise awareness of European values by reducing Euroscepticism.
In the next period, activities will be carried out at the local level through which information on European values, national history and promotion of the same will be collected.