Coalition SEGA representatives attend transnational meeting in Kutaisi, Georgia
Two representatives of the Coalition of Youth Organizations SEGA participate in a Transnational Meeting organized by NGO Youth Horizons in Kutaisi, Georgia between October 9 and 10, 2019.
The event is attended by participants from Germany, Slovenia, Malta, Lithuania, the Republic of Northern Macedonia and Georgia who are partners in the DIGY project which aims to develop an innovative methodology and platform for digital online youth participation.
The objectives of the meeting include defining the project goals and results, creating a shared vision of the project, naming project representatives, discussing a preliminary plan for the project (time planning, budget planning, resource planning), defining responsibilities and tasks of the project. all partners, clarification of formal aspects, planning dissemination activities and planning for next steps.
The DIGY project is funded by the German National Agency for Education Programs and Mobility through the Erasmus + Key Action 2 Program, Strategic Partnership and Innovation and will be implemented between September 2019 and September 2022.
#opin #eparticipation #digy #CoalitionSEGA #ErasmusPlus